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- ID
- 44246
- [1944?]
- Unknown
- CN Images of Canada Collection
- Unknown
- Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
More Information
- Repository
- CSTM Archives
- Other titles
- War record - Polymer Rubber Corporation - Sarnia, Ont. - like giant balloons, 13 Horton spheres dot the 185 acre grounds of the government-owned Polymer Corporation plant near Sarnia, Ontario, where synthetic rubber is made. In helping to beat the Axis powers, the rubber made at this plant has been of inestimable value to Canada and her Allies. In the post-war era, it will assist Canada to maintain her position as one of the great trading nations of the world. The spheres in this picture are storage tanks for butadiene and styrene, the two chief ingredients of buna-S rubber. The spheres are encircled by water pipes which turn on automatically to spray the spheres with cooling water when the sun brings the pressure within the tanks to over 50 pounds per square inch. The 13 spheres range from 38 to 51 feet in diameter, made of steel shapes welded together. Each contains from 5,000 to 12,000 barrels of the precious hydro-carbons which become synthetic rubber. The spherical shape is employed to save construction costs; in these spheres the walls are only 1 1/8 inches thick, whereas if they were cylindrical about four inch thickness would be necessary to withstand the pressure.
- Scope and Content
- Unknown
- Caption
- N/A
- Language
- N/A
- Legacy ID
- N/A
- Notes
- N/A
- Keywords
- ['Polymers; Railroads -- Freight-cars; Polymères; Wagons de marchandises']
- Rights
- Public Domain/Domaine public (Canada)
- Record Created
- 2020-10-26T13:36:18Z
- Record Updated
- 2023-07-11T17:23:00Z
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Ingenium Archives, CN Images of Canada Collection, 44246, http://collections.ingeniumcanada.org/en/id/44246/
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