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- ID
- X-16125
- [1943?]
- Unknown
- CN Images of Canada Collection
- 1 photograph : b&w
- Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada
More Information
- Repository
- CSTM Archives
- Other titles
- To meet a war emergency, a survey was made of possible iron ore deposits in Eastern Canada that could be utilized to supply iron ore to the steel mills at Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, to be used for turning out steel for ships' plates, rails, billets for guns, tanks, shells, bombs and other weapons of war. A condition was that it should be easily accessible to a railway line. Such a deposit was found adjacent to the lines of the Canadian National Railways and photograph shows drillers at work on the face of an entire hill or ore. These drilling machines drill holes in the face of the hill after which a charge of dynamite is inserted. The charge is exploded and a steam shovel then gathers up the ore which has been blasted from the face of the hill for crushing to proper size and loading into railway cars and then transported to the steel mills at Sydney.
- Scope and Content
- Unknown
- Caption
- N/A
- Language
- N/A
- Legacy ID
- N/A
- Notes
- N/A
- Keywords
- Unknown
- Rights
- Public domain/Domaine public (Canada)
- Record Created
- 2016-09-29T16:55:55Z
- Record Updated
- 2023-07-11T17:20:11Z
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Ingenium Archives, CN Images of Canada Collection, X-16125, http://collections.ingeniumcanada.org/en/id/X-16125/
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