A view of Canner no. 1 oil well at the Vermillion oil fields
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- ID
- X-16318
- [1943?]
- Unknown
- CN Images of Canada Collection
- 1 photograph : b&w
- Borradaile, Alberta, Canada
More Information
- Repository
- CSTM Archives
- Other titles
- Light gasoline engine powered rotary oilwell drilling rig with steel frame mast at Cannar Oils Ltd. well "Cannar No. 1"; a rig of this type is capable of drilling wells to a depth of 3,000 feet. When the photograph was taken the drill stem, to which is attached the bit which actually drills the well, was being withdrawn from the well. As each 60 foot length of drill pipe is pulled out of the well, it is unscrewed and set back against the pipe racking platform attached about two thirds of the way up and to the left hand side of the mast. The figure of the derrick man, who is waiting to set the next stand of drill pipe back in place, can be seen on the pipe racking platform. Casing and drill pipe racks are shown at lower left.
- Scope and Content
- Unknown
- Caption
- N/A
- Language
- N/A
- Legacy ID
- CN003639
- Notes
- N/A
- Keywords
- Unknown
- Rights
- Public domain/Domaine public (Canada)
- Record Created
- 2016-09-29T16:58:29Z
- Record Updated
- 2023-07-11T17:20:11Z
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Ingenium Archives, CN Images of Canada Collection, X-16318, http://collections.ingeniumcanada.org/en/id/X-16318/
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